пятница, 16 июня 2017 г.


A sport event in Ostroh Academy:
Was it so great?

The story breaks that there was a recreation related to sports in Ostroh Academy. It has attracted a lot of attention of students. Some of them were highly critical of this event because it took their precious time and they are just made go there. But after making an opinion poll, we found out that most of them had enjoyed this event and they could even celebrate their sport achievements. Moreover, a lot of students took part in this recreation, some of them were singing, some were doing sports and some were receiving nominations for different achievements. What is more, the anchors of this event were two students, who were leading a turn of events.

It is time for an exclusive interview with one of the participants. Her name is Yulia Sukhodolska and we are going to talk this event up.

Interviewer: Yulia, reveal us the truth, if it was difficult to get ready to such kind of sport event?
Yulia: In fact, it wasn’t so difficult as it seemed at first. I have realized my ambitions of doing sports.
I.:Oh, that's great! You are really in a good shape! So, please don’t cover up how do you keep fit?
Y.: Rumour has it that I have a good metabolism, but let me reveal a secret, I just have to work hard in the gym. I am playing basketball, as well.
I.:Could you tell us how it is to win a lot of praise for your sports achievements?
Y.: Well, it had a significant impact on my life, for example I feel a lot more confident after this. It is great to enjoy success, it brings you a lot of positive emotions.
I.: And the last question. How have you detected that you are a sporty person?
Y.: I will state this clearly, we just had to visit physical education classes and then I understood that it is my cup of tea.

Here is a news broadcast about this event:

Here are some photos from this event:
Our strong boys

Go girls go!!!!

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